CSS Lists
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Intro to CSS: Lists

Quick Copy Boxes

CSS can be used to customize lists. This includes ordered and unordered lists. Below is an example HTML List.

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<h2>My Favorite Fruits:</h2>

If you are not familar with the HTML code above, check out the less on Lists


You can create your own class of <ul> or <ol> elements. List-style-type describes the bullet points, or numbering, you want for the list.

Here are options for list-style-type:
 ✶ disc - Default for ul elements
 ✶ circle
 ✶ none - no bullet points
 ✶ square

<ol> (Common Choices)
 ✶ decimal - Numbers
 ✶ lower-alpha - Lowercase letters
 ✶ lower-roman - Roman lowercase numbers
 ✶ upper-alpha - Uppercase Letters
 ✶ upper-roman - Roman uppercase numbers

<ol> (More Choices)
 ✶ armenian - Armenian numbers
 ✶ cjk-ideographic - Ideographic numbers
 ✶ decimal-leading-zero - Numbers with zeros in front (ie 06)
 ✶ georgian - Georgian numbers
 ✶ hebrew - Hebrew numbers
 ✶ hiragana - Japanese Hiragana
 ✶ hiragana-iroha - Hiragana iroha
 ✶ katakana - Japanes Katakana
 ✶ katakana-iroha - Katakana iroha
 ✶ lower-greek - Greek lowercase letters
 ✶ lower-latin - Latin lowercase letters
 ✶ upper-alpha - Uppercase Letters
 ✶ upper-greek - Greek uppercase letters
 ✶ upper-latin - Latin uppercase letters

Example: list-style-type

ol.fruit {
  list-style-type: hiragana;

ol.fruit - This is a class of ordered list elements
list-style-type - This class uses Japanese Hiragana Numbering


<h2>My Favorite Fruits:</h2>
<ol class = 'fruit'>

Example: list-style-image

You can use your own custom bullet points by using list-style-image.

ul.tvShows {
  list-style-image: url('bullet.jpg');

ul.tvShows - This is a class of unordered list elements.
list-style-image - The image bullet.jpg will be used as bullet points.


<h2>Best 21st Century Sci-fi Shows:</h2>
<ul class = 'tvShows'>
  <li>Battlestar Galactica</li>
  <li>Doctor Who</li>

Example: list-style-position

This describes if the bullet points should go inside or outside the content area. It can have the value of inside or outside. Let's add list-style-position to our tvShows class.

ul.tvShows {
  list-style-image: url('bullet.jpg');
  list-style-position: inside;

ul.tvShows - This is a class of unordered list elements.
list-style-image - The image bullet.jpg will be used as bullet points. list-style-position - The bullets will be inside the list content area.j


<h2>Best 21st Century Sci-fi Shows:</h2>
  <ul class = 'tvShows'>
    <li>Battlestar Galactica</li>
    <li>Doctor Who</li>

Example: Colors & Fonts

Now, let's add some background-color and text styling to our tvShows class.

ul.tvShows {
  list-style-image: url('bullet.jpg');
  list-style-position: inside;
  background-color: pink;
  font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 20px;

ul.tvShows - This is a class of unordered list elements.
list-style-image - The image bullet.jpg will be used as bullet points.
list-style-position - The bullets will be inside the list content area.
background-color - Its pink!
font-family - Helvetica is the first chice, but if the browser can't display it, something sans-serif will display.
font-size - It's 20px;


<h2>Best 21st Century Sci-fi Shows:</h2>
<ul class = 'tvShows'>
  <li>Battlestar Galactica</li>
  <li>Doctor Who</li>

Color Selector



Play with the code in the code editor below. Don't forget to check-out the CSS tab. Also, continue working on the ad you started in CSS Color lesson.