rsync - Linux File Copying Tool

rsync is a convenient Linux file copying tool used to transfer files remotely and locally. rsync is more efficient than scp because it only copies files that have changed. rsync also offers many options to customize the tool for countless situations.

YouTube Tutorial: Rsync - Linux File Copying Tool

rsync YouTube Tutorial

Mouse Hover over the ➼ blue text in the descriptions to highlight the command above.

Basic Command Configuration

rsync [options] [source] [destination]

➼ rsync - Command to use the rsync tool
➼ options - Any specifications you want to add to the command
➼ source - The location of the file you want to copy
➼ destination - The location where the copy should go

Transfer Locally - No Options

There is a file called battle-back-story.odt in my Documents directory, and I want to put a copy in my code_practice directory.

$ rsync /home/candy/Documents/battle-back-story.odt /home/candy/code_practice

Transfer Local to Remote

Basic Command Configuration


Example - No Options

There is a file named linux10.txt in my local code_practice directory. I want to put a copy of it in a remote server. The ip address of the remote server is, the user is commander and I want to put it in commander's home directory.

rsync /home/candy/code_practice/linux10.txt commander@

Transfer Remote to Local

Basic Commander Configuration


Example - No Options

We are copying a file on a remote server with ip address and user name commander. The remote file is called cherry.php and is located in commander's home direcory. We want a copy of this file in our local code_practice directory.

rsync commander@ /home/candy/code_practice/

Copying Directories with -r

To transfer directories, we use -r (or --recursive). -r is the recursive argument in Linux commands. That means the command will effect that directory as well as all the files and directories located within that directory.


rsync -r /home/candy/code_practice commander@

More Common Options


Archive (-a or --archive) is commonly used to back-up directories. It recursively copies the entire directory with:

  • Files and directories
  • Permissions
  • Ownership
  • Modification time
  • Symbolic Links
rsync -a /home/candy/code_practice commander@


By using the --progress option, progress will be shown during transfer.

$ rsync -a --progress /home/candy/code_practice commander@

-v, --verbose

The verbose option (-v or --verbose increases the amount of information shown. It will show the file path for every command copied.

$ rsync -r -v /home/candy/test commander@

-z, --compress

Reduces bandwidth by compressing file data.

-b, --backup

Files in your destination are renamed and saved, not deleted.


Quiet (-q) decreases that amount of information shown. It will only show error messages.

Many More Options

There are many more options you can use with the rsync tool. To see a full list, type man rsync in your terminal or go to rsync manual.

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