JavaScript Operators

In this lesson you will learn about JavaScript mathematical, logical, comparison operators, and assignment operators.

Mathematical Operators

Operator Name Symbol Example
Addition + var total = price + tax;
Subtraction - var difference = score1 - score2;
Multiplication * var stream_time = time * multiple;
Division / var payout = loot / players;
Exponent ** var area = 10 ** 2;
Remainder % var leftovers = 10 % 3;
Increment ++ score++;
Decrement -- lives--;

You are probably familar with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, so I will not go over those. They work the same in JavaScript as they did in your grammar school math class.


A number's exponent states how many time the number will be multiplied by itself.

var side = 6;
  var area = side ** 2;
  // area is equal to 36 (6*6)

  var num = 3 ** 3;
  // num is equal to 27 (3*3*3)


The remainder is the amount left over after two numbers are divided. Let's say you have a pizza party. You ordered a total of 32 slices of pizza. Ten guests show up. You give each guest the same amount of pizza. How many slices are left?

var leftovers = 32 % 10;
  // leftovers is equal to 2


Increment will add one to the value of any variable. There are two ways to increment: pre-increment and post-increment. Pre-increment is added before the variable name and post is added after the variable name. If you pre-increment one is added before the value is returned. If you post increment the value is returned then one is added. See the code below.

var score = 10;
  // returns 10
  // returns 11
  // returns 12


Decrement works just like increment, except you subtract 1.

var score = 10;
  // returns 10
  // returns 9
  // returns 8

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare values. We will use these operators more in my if statements lesson.

Operator Name Symbol Example
Equal To == price == budget
Equal Value and Type === height === width
Less Than < height < width
Greater Than > width > height
Less Than or Equal To <= price &t;= budget
Great Than or Equal To >= budget >= price
Not Equal To != length != width
Not Equal Value or Type/td> !== name !== age

Logical operators

Logical operators are used in conditional statements such as if statements and switch statements. You will learn more about them in those lessons.

Operator Name Symbol Example
And && / and apples && oranges
Or || / or apples || oranges
Not ! !apples

Assignment Operators

Symbol Example Example Meaning
+= score += bonus score = score + bonus
-= score-=mistakes score = score - mistakes
*= score *= multiplier score = score * multiplier
/= loot /= party_members loot = loot / party_members